Posts Tagged ‘event’

The birth of the Electronic Man

Something wonderful is about to happen.

100 years after McLuhan’s birth we all have the chance of becoming part of the body and mind of the Electronic Man.

The Electronic ManThe Electronic Man

The happy event will take place in Rome, on May 31st, 2011, during the celebration of McLuhan’s centennial, and it will engage everyone, everywhere.

Join us in the birth of the Electronic Man by giving it one of your emotions as a present!

It will only take you a couple of minutes:

  1. download the PDF file at the address
  2. print it out: it contains the stickers that allow people to become part of the electronic man
  3. cut the stickers apart, and attach them somewhere in your city, in your office, in your favourite bar, in your school, wherever you want
  4. take a picture of the sticker and send it to us at If you want can include your name, a link to your website, and a short bio: we will include all images and info at the exhibit for the big event for McLuhan’s Centennial celebrations in Rome, and on the Electronic Man’s website
  5. if you want you can scan the QRCode on the sticker with your smartphone: it will take you directly to the Electronic Man, and you will be able to join its ubiquitous body

Or, if you don’t know how to scan a QRCode, you can go to this address:
(both modes will ask you for your location: it is used to understand the distribution of the body of the Electronic Man, we won’t do anything bad with/to your info, and we will throw it away immediately)

Please spread this message!

The Electronic Man is an opportunity to feel connected to your fellow humans!

And please come to the event in Rome if you’re close by: you will experience the birth of the Electronic Man.

The Electronic Man


Salvatore Iaconesi, concept | design | technology

Oriana Persico, communication | process | networks

FakePress Publishing, production

Art is Open Source, production

Maria Pia Rossignaud, curator | production

Media2000 & Associazione Amici di Media2000, production

Derrick de Kerckove, scientific direction | inspiration

Marshall McLuhan, this project could not have existed without him :)

More info at:

McLuhan Centennial in Rome

Art is Open Source




McLuhan Galaxy

Robot Festival 2010, Bologna, ItalyRobot Festival 2010, Bologna, Italy

Augmented Reality can create opportunities for critical reinvention of the world.

Squatting Supermarkets uses augmented reality to break open the codes of commercial communication on the products we use every day. By taking a picture with your mobile phone to the logo of a product, individuas can contribute to a global, disseminated relational discourse on ecology, sustainablity and social responsibility issues of the things we eat, wear and use every day.

The logo gets recognized with computer vision techniques and is used as a fiducial marker that can be used by the Squatting Supermarkets application to create a discussion space onto which people can write their thoughts and interact with other individuals and groups.

An interpretative layer on top of reality where we can express ourselves, bypassing communication control strategies enacted by corporations and governments. Augmented Reality as a new space for self-expression.

FakePress and Art is Open Source present:

Squatting Supermarkets @ RObot Festival 2010

from 15th to 18th September

Bologna, Italy

click here for more info about RobotFest 2010

click here for more info about Squatting Supermarkets

click here for even more info about Squatting Supermarkets

please link back to:

Squatting Supermarkets at Mondovì

Squatting Supermarkets at Mondovì

On Friday May 5th 2010 Art is Open Source , FakePress and The Hub Roma will be in Mondovì together with the Piemonte Share Festival and associazione Marcovaldo to present the next steps of the Squatting Supermarkets / iSee project.

Squatting Supermarkets is one of the projects included in the SMIR (Spazi Multimediali per l’Innovazione e la Ricerca / Multimiedia Spaces for Innovation and Research) project, an european project inolving the restoration of two ancient churches in Mondovì (Italy) and Embrun (France) to create a trans-frontier media research center that will investigate on the possibilities for digital arts to collaborate with the development of territories and populations.

We (as AOS and FakePress) are investing a lot on this project, as we feel that arts and social innovation go well together hand in hand in exploring new practices for a more sustainable world.

And we are not alone in this. The Sharing (the association behind the Piemonte Share Festival) and Marcovaldo (an association with a long history of territorial interventions promoting development, the arts, local economies and creativity) have been truly active, lately, on our involvement wih Squatting Supermarkets, and they are setting up an ecosystem of local producers that will form a first official experimentation base for the adoption of the practices designed with iSee / Squatting Supermarkets.

During the next few months we will add a layer of digital reality to the wonderful traditional cheeses, wines, vegetables, salamis and meats, through which producers will be able to inform people about their sustainable production and distribution processes, and people will be able to gather information on what it means for them and for the rest of world to consume critically, accessing informations, documentaries, global sources of information. Finally the products we eat and consume every day will have a story: we will be able to know who produce them, where, how and with what effects on our world. And we will be able to communicate with them and among ourselves, near and far, directly throgh the products that shape our daily lives.

So, we are really excited to get this part of the project going!

And “We” is growing by the minute, as you can read here about the recent collaborations with our friends and partners at The Hub Roma, the research group at the Tor Vergata University in Rome, the students that will produce end-of-course project works on Squatting Supermarkets and iSee at La Sapienza University in Rome. And there will be additions by the minute.

In Mondovì we will present a research poster (you can download the PDF of the poster here) that describes the current state of the research (titled “the Active Consumer“) and the planning we have set up for the next important date for Squatting Supermarkets, around the half of July 2010, back in Mondovì for the next steps of the project and a beautiful event in the medieval city square together with all the artists and initiatives of the SMIR project.

In Mondovì we will also present the new features of the iSee application for iPhone / Android that is at the heart of Squatting Supermarkets, including a new information visualization technology that will be released as Open Source.

So, as usual: stay tuned!

please register at the Facebook Event if you’d like to inform us that you’re coming, and if you want to stay updated on the event:

Facebook Event

More info at:

Squatting Supermerkets – info
Squatting Supermerkets – artistic statement by Salvatore Iaconesi
iSee – info
Zero Impact Technology Prize offered by the EnviParc in Turin – Piemonte Share Festival ‘09
Presentation  @Faculty of Architettura “La Sapienza” May 4th 2010 – Rome

Site Reference

Posted via email from xdxd.vs.xdxd

Angel_F @ AHAcktitude, Nov. 27-29 2009, Milan

digital culture / events / features / people / performance

November 25, 2009 0

Artisti-attivisti, hacker artistici, attivisti socio-artistici, chiamateli come volete. I 600 iscritti alla lista AHA sono solo una parte di tutte quelle persone che, in Italia e nel mondo, sanno che il mezzo non è solo il messaggio, ma anche il massaggio e il mixaggio. Che non basta lamentarsi della tv (generalista, comunitaria o di nicchia), e neanche blaterare sulla comunicazione alternativa, e che occorre costruire esperienze, perché la comunicazione senza i corpi comunica solo i messaggi preconfezionati, e il corpo senza intelligenza produce solo manipolazione.

Per questo dall’anno scorso gli iscritti di AHA si incontrano di persona periodicamente, ogni volta in una città diversa, per aprire le scatole nere, per mettere le mani dentro i dispositivi della tecnologia, della comunicazione e dell’immaginario, per decostruire i saperi ufficiali e condividerne di nuovi, per lavorare all’intelligenza collettiva dei corpi e non a quella del capitale, per allargare la resistenza alla globalizzazione delle multinazionali e dei poteri costituiti.

AHAcktitude sarà una tre giorni di attività e di attivismo, di allegria e di condivisione, di studio e di divertimento. Tecnologia, musica, internet, letteratura, telecomunicazioni, marketing, social network: tutto sarà declinato all’insegna dell’open source e della messa in comune. Modi, approcci, atteggiamenti diversi ma comunicanti di esplorare, interpretare, agire la nostra condizione di esseri tecnologicamente modificati.

Perché gli esseri umani valgono più della merce, e non saremo soddisfatti finché la vita di chi ha qualcosa vale più della vita di chi non ha nulla.

AHA : Activism-Hacking-Artivism, è una mailing list nata nel 2002 all’interno del progetto AHA fondato nel 2001 da Tatiana Bazzichelli, aka T_Bazz. AHA vuole promuovere il networking, cioè la cultura di rete, soprattutto nella versione che lega le pratiche artistiche all’attivismo politico e sociale (“artivismo„).

Great News for REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory!

REFF logo, RomaEuropa FakeFactoryREFF logo, RomaEuropa FakeFactory

RomaEuropa Web Factory’s second edition is about to start up.

REFF attended the press conference held at the Opificio Telecom in Rome, on Wednsday September 16h 2009, to check out the informations that were being diffused on the web about the innovations of this year’s edition of the Fondazione Romaeuropa’s networked competition.

While watching the press conference, it seemed as if we were looking in the mirror. Because RomaEuropa WebFactory 2009/2010 edition is actually indistinguishable from last year’s RomaEuropa FakeFactory!

  • Open licenses.
  • The works are remixes of existing ones.
  • Democratic voting.
  • Experts and academics evaluating the submitted works through their reviews

All of these things are going to be included in this year’s RomaEuropa WebFactory, whose structure, thus, becomes indistinguishable from the FakeFactory!

And there’s more.

Beatpick. Beatpick is part of REFF, and they are the main partner form the music section (100Samples). Beatpick has been called to manage RomaEuropa WebFactory’s music section for this year’s competition.

Summing up: same rules, open lincenses adoption, same practices, and even our main music partner handling the music section.


We think that this is a great victory.

RomaEuropa WebFactory adopted all of the instances suggested by REFF’s critique. And we’re happy about it.

And we even got proper credit for the effectiveness of our action: REFF was mentioned multiple times during the press conference as the main factor bringing on this year’s change.

It’s not over, yet.

REFF project goes on by producing about 3 minor events by the end of the year, with one to present the publication that includes the academic productions of our scientific committee.

And then, in 2010, we’ll have an enormous initiative. But we’ll leave it as a little suspence for the next few days. :)

Stay Tuned!


REFF.erence romaeuropa fake factory flyer

REFF.erence romaeuropa fake factory flyer

REFF.erence romaeuropa fake factory conference and launch party

REFF.erence romaeuropa fake factory conference and launch party


RomaeuropaFAKEFactory [REFF]


[ REFF.erence ]

Friday 20th and Saturday 21st, March 2009 @ Rome

The international competition RomaEuropaFAKEFactory re-lauches in Rome on March 20th and 21st with two dense days dedicated to the theme “Freedom to Remix“: at the Italian Senate, at the Libreria Flexi and at the Neo Club, with a triple event crossing the borders between different spaces and contexts of the metropolis, from institutional ones to the night clubbing scene of via Libetta.

The Italian Senate, it its “ex Hotel Bologna” (via di S.Chiara 4), hosts, on March 20th, 10:00 to 14:00

[ REFF.erence ]
“Cultural politics and management of intellectual property in the contemporary era” (*)

a coference-debate in which the competition becomes the trigger to start up a dialogue on the meanings of art, culture and creativity, on the management of cultural politics, on the relationships between new business models and the law for what concerns copyright, patents and intellectual property, starring REFF promoters, featuring video interventions by Derrick de Kerckhove, Massimo Canevacci, Carlo Infante, with senator Vincenzo Vita summing up and drawing conclusions and perspectives.

Among the others: councillor Giulia Rodano, councillor Cecilia D’Elia, Luca Neri, casaluce/geiger synusy@cyborg, Simona Lodi, Arturo Di Corinto, Francesco Monico, Stefano Coletto, Francesco “Warbear” Macarone Palmieri, Gianluca del Gobbo, Valeria “Jemma Temp” Guarcini, Alex Giordano, Davide D’Atri, Guido Scorza, Marco Scialdone, Valerio Mattioli, OtherehtO, Marco Fagotti, Rosella Ongaretto, Francesco Magnocavallo.

On March 21st starting at 18:00 let’s meet for a

[ REFF.ternoon ]

at the Flexi Cafè Library, in the heart of Rione Monti, for the presentation of the book “Assalto al Copyright” (Assaulting Copyright) (Edizioni Cooper), introduced by Arturo di Corinto; after that the author, Luca Neri, will meet the guests and host a meeting-debate. The evocative ex factory will be animated with the “Flight SynEp” new media art installation by OtherehtO.

Following up, starting at 23:00 and into the night,

[ REFF.jected ]
RomaEuropaFAKEFactory Launch Party

In the invisible space of the Neo Club, Rejected invites its rejects to the continuous pirate remix of identities, playing on the concept of inclusion/exclusion and on musical remix, digital, human, experiential, in a series of performances, installations, live VJ sets and DJ sets.

in the Red Room:

Empty Mirror“, live performance by Global Groove, a couple of visionary unfair artists that have been working on the idea of the noise of fragments for 20 years;

“Remixing People” by xDxD.vs.xDxD, the inventor of [A]rt is [O]pen [S]ource and creator of cyber bodies and robotic and software arts, and Kevin Pistone, historical figure of Rome’s independent photohraphy scene and founder of the MyJemmaTemp workshop, joining forces with an installation and a photographic set challenging each other disassembling and reassembling people’s bodies.

All in the frame of ATOMIC, the new qeer party that will instantiate its imaginaries built on indie disco and obscene pop with Bebop on the controls, the exhibits and performances by Martin Dee vs Industria Indipendente.

In the Caveau:

an environmental interzone running from Zanzibar to William Burroughs, with a 4 DJ squad, 3 VJs and a videoart installation:

Opening set with the tech house by Jason K, Neo Resident and promoter of the Bootleg and Fonia parties.

Following up, a part of the history to come of the subversive Rome penetrating the world thrugh the paths of D.I.Y. , party culture and the Queer imaginaries of the Phag Off project. Warbear connects plots and configures libertarian dancefloors with a set of Incredibly Strange Techno, mashing up spoken words and vocal samples to 4-quarters narrative structures.

Then Bit_Repeat, Rejected resident Djs, with a techno and minimal set.

The video setup is curated by LPM, the global meeting of live video performances, providing the best performers from the roster of Flyer Visual Agency.

Infidel (Phag Off, L-ektrika,Loaded, Anarchy in the Club), Nikky (Phag Off, Sick Marylin) and Aira (L-ektrika, Kitchen) will alternate at the video controls creating umoral un-pop visions.

The BEAT-ify installation will allow you to loose yourself in the extasy of the synesthesia created between berzerk generative cut-ups and the beats of the dancefloor, under the cures of the FLxER team and xDxD.vs.xDxD

Kanu, party shooter and Rejected promoter, will be the witness of the party.

And the news are not yet over.

RomaeuropaFAKEFactory adds two new sections and a new deadline (May 15th 2009)

100Flash, dedicated to GIF art


100Spaces, dedicated to design, architecture and landscape

Starting from March 20th, the new web site will be available: a brand new Open Source platform to manage competitions and a social network. By using it artists will be able to register their remix artworks to the literary (100Quotes), music (100Samples), video (100Cuts), LawArt (legal remix of legislative texts on copyright and patents), and to the two new sections: 100Flash and 100Spaces.

More information on the official website of the project

RomaeuropaFAKEFactory is a project by

[A]rt is [O]pen [S]ource

in collaboration with

Torino Share Festival – DegradArte – Istituto per le Politiche dell’Innovazione – BeatPick – ComputerLaw 2.0 – LPM, Flyer Communication – PerformngMedia – FLxER – – NeRVi – Digicult – Associazione Partito Pirata – – Les Liens Invisible – A.H.A. – Francesco “Warbear” Macarone Palmieri – Superfluo – Deliriouniversale – My Jemma Temp – – CodiceBinario – PEAM – Artificialia – Biodoll – Ninja Marketing – Arturo di Corinto – Linux-Club – Guido Vetere – The National Cynical Network – NoemaLab – Free Hardware Foundation – Collettivo Nove – Yesmoke – IPJustice – Rejected – casaluce/geiger synusy@cyborg – Fake – Liber Liber – Domenico Quaranta – ESpace paRtout – creActive commUnity – Metromorfosi – Descentro – Anomolo – Giovanni Ziccardi – Wilfied Agricola de Cologne – Isotype – aStronza – Ramallah Underground – Uqbar – Luisa Valeriani – SIFIR – m-node – muvideo – E32 – Leo Sorge – myMedia – Derrick de Kerckhove – OtherethO – netBehaviour – Milano in Digitale…

(*) to attend the coference write to:


Program Detail

.: Friday March 20th, 2009

REFF.erence – 10:00-14:30

conference-debate – Ex Hotel Bologna , Senato della Repubblica via di S. Chiara 4

“Freedom to Remix”. Cultural politics and intellectual property management in the contemporary era: presentation of the international competition RomaEuropaFAKEFactory

[ ore 10:00 – 10:30 ]

REFF Opening: “origins of RomaEuropaFAKEFactory”

Salvatore Iaconesi (aka xDxD) Art is Open Source

[ ore 10:20 – 11:20 ]

Panel 1 “art, culture and creativity in the contemporary era”

moderator: Rossella Ongaretto

video-intervention by Massimo Canevacci

introduction: Francesco “Warbear” Macarone Palmieri

roundtable: casaluce-geiger synusi@cyborg, OtherethO, Gennaro Francione, Valerio Mattioli

[ ore 11:20 – 12:40 ]

Panel 2 “the management of the politics of culture, art and creativity”

moderator: Valeria “Jemma Temp” Guarcini

introduction: Simona Lodi

roundtable: Francesco Monico, Gianluca del Gobbo, Stefano Coletto, Arturo Di Corinto, Ass. Giulia Rodano, ass. Cecilia D’Elia

Video-intevention by Carlo Infante

[ ore 12:40 – 13:00 ] coffee break

[ ore 13:00 – 14:00 ]

Panel 3 “economic models and innovation: business and management models for contemporary intellectualproperty”

moderator: Luca Neri

introduction: Alex Giordano

roundtable: Davide D’Atri, Guido Scorza, Marco Scialdone, Marco Fagotti, Francesco Magnocavallo

[ore 14:00 – 14:15 ]

REFF Perspectives

Oriana Persico (NeRVi)

video-intervention by Derrick De Kerkove

[ ore 14:15 – 14:30 ]


sen. Vincenzo Vita (vice president of the Cultural Commission of the Italian Senate)

.: Saturday March 21st, 2009

[ ore 18:00-21:00 ]


Aperitif , presentations, installations

Flexi Libreria Caffè – via Clementina 9 Roma

presentation of the book “Assalto al Copyright” (Assaulting Copyright)

introduces: Arturo di Corinto

following up, meeting and debate with Luca Neri, author of the book

video-installation “Flight SynEp” by OtherehtO

[ Ore 23:00-4:30 ]

Rejected & Neo Club present REFF.jected Launch Party

Via degli Argonauti 18 (corner with Via di Libetta)

Red Room Live:

Live: Global Groove presenting “Empty Mirror”

Djs, Perfos & Exhibit : ATOMIC – Mashing the waste (bootlegs/Mash Ups/Nu Disco) – BeBop/Martin Dee/Sabine Jay & The Atomic Kids

Media Art: “Remixing People” by xDxD + Kevin Pistone

Foto: Kanu


Djs: Jason K – Phonia/Bootleg (Tech House) – WARBEAR (Incredibly Strange Techno) Bit_repeat (Minimal Techno)

Vjs: Infidel (FLxER/LPM) Nikky (FLxER/LPM) Aira (FLxER/LPM)

Media Art: “BEAT-ify” xDxD.vs.xDxD + FLxER Team

Foto: Kanu


“I am Orson Welles.
I never really wanted to join Roma Europa Web Factory.
I understand the beauty and significance of a fake.
As for my style, for my vision of the cinema, editing is not simply one aspect; it’s the aspect.
Fake is as old as the Eden tree.
Today I believe that man cannot escape his destiny to create whatever it is we make:
jazz, a wooden spoon, or graffiti on the wall.
All of these are expressions of man’s creativity, proof that man has not yet been destroyed by technology.
But are we making things for the people of our epoch or repeating what has been done before?
And finally, is the question itself important?
We must ask ourselves that.
The most important thing is always to doubt the importance of the question.
I am Orson Welles.
I never really wanted to join Roma Europa Web Factory.”

Orson Welles is one of the most influential artists of the contemporary era, touching the domains of cinema, theatre, fiction, radio in a continuous research that trespasses the borders between art, communication, psychology, performance.
His works gave us the chance to perceive art’s transformation, in a form in which art and falsificaion are divided by boundaries that are ethereal and fluid, eventually overlaying and touching.

Orson Welles’ “the War of the Worlds” radio performance was rejected by the RomaWuropa Web Factory competition.

“This is not original work!” was the scream of the Jury.

Orson Welles now joined RomaEuropaFAKEFactory, here:

REFF RomaEuropa FAKE Factory

REFF RomaEuropa FAKE Factory

Say what?!
RomaEuropaFAKEFactory at the Italian Senate?!?

a visual reportage from the “Freedom not Fear” event in Rome.





here is a report on ArtsBlog

and here are the pictures

Angel_F and SuperAvatar are scared.

The lives of the young artificial intelligence and of the  avatar who escaped from virtual worlds have been endangered  more than once by the control, that is constantly perpetrated on people’s information, habits and identities.

Forms of surveillance that are progressively and obsessively  expanding through continuous control of our lives (and not  only of the ones of our beloved digital beings). Along the streets, in supermarkets, in public spaces, and even in our homes, through telephones and internet connectivity.  An enormous amount of resources are wasted to control people’s  lives in multiple ways: from cameras to armed forces, passing  through data retention systems spying on people’s personal  information.

Angel_F e SuperAvatar are feeling annoyed, alarmed and outraged by all of that and, therefore, decided to publicly show their dissent, together with their human friends.

The two digital beings will join the “Freedom not Fear“  event, and they will attend the conference that will take  place at the “Provincia di Roma” building on saturday,  starting at 9:30am.

Who: Angel_F and SuperAvatar
When: Saturday, October 11th 2008, from 9:30am to 13:30am
Where: “Freedom not Fear”, palazzo Valentini (Palazzo della  Provincia di Roma, via IV Novembre n. 119/a, Roma


Freedom not Fear“: International action day for democracy, free speech, human rights, civil liberties; against censorship, mass-surveillance, mass-data retention.

Angel_F is the young artificial intelligence son of Derrick  de Kerckhove and the Biodoll.
It was born on February 2007. Since it started interacting with humans’ physical world it has been deeply interested about the international dialogue on digital rights. After a peculiar case of censorship, little Angel_F managed to attend the UN’s Internet  Governance Forum held in Rio de Janeiro all by itself.

Angel_F is a project by xDxD.vs.xDxD and penelope.di.pixel

Fatherboard – the SuperAvatar – is an avatar that escaped  from virtual worlds when its owner’s computer exploded in  a short circuit.  It looks like a cyborg, but it isn’t, as its body is built from the hardware parts of the computer from where it materialized.
Its relations with human beings are contradictory and intermittent: the SuperAvatar is a fugitive living a constant conflict with institutional control, either the virtual and the real ones!

Fatherboard is a project by Luigi Pagliarini

Rome, 24-26 September 2008

Fearless: discussion on how to combat global anguish”

The first edition of World Social Summit will focus on global fears. This choice was made by taking into due consideration the central position that fear occupies within contemporary societies, not only due to the increase of risks that threaten society (terrorism, crime, environment), but chiefly, the expansion of uncertainty that now distinguishes people’s lives, makes fear, real or imagined, an emotion that an increasing segments of the world’s population are forced to come to terms with.

There will be an in depth analysis on the relationship between globalisation and anguish (social, multicultural, and economic), so to try to understand if fear is in many ways inevitable (fear being almost a “genetic” trait of developed societies), and how much the growth of global flows is also feeding new anxieties in emerging countries. Central to this outlook will be the analysis on how the relationship with “others” can breed fear.

There will be also an analysis on the social and communication mechanisms that today preside over the construction of fear. Many of the anxieties that proliferate in society, as a matter of fact, do not correspond to objective threats or risks posed, but are a by-product of a state of widespread insecurity, an existential mark of our time. It will be therefore the summit’s goal to understand who feeds this state of anxiety, who has an interest (economical, political, media wise) in upholding it, and in which ways does the language and communication methods used become social amplifiers of fear.

A special session will be dedicated to metropolitan insecurity. Big cities are where modern fears are concentrated (crime, social insecurity, poverty, terrorism, various type of risks and environmental hazards). Through a research realised by WSS on ten big cities around the world, we will analyse the current conditions of urban life and study the solutions that have been implemented to reduce insecurity. We will endeavour to shed light on the future path of fear, starting from the reconstruction of cultural evolution of fear, to then analyse its possible future projection, and the role of science and technology in generating or contrasting anxieties. At last, the central theme of WSS 2008 will seek to identify the instruments and the models that modern societies use to face up to anxieties, try to engage them, thus creating a more secure and fearless enviroment.

Urban public space – understood as open, civic space – is a key element in the development of European urbanism. It is based on a well-balanced mix of functions and the idea of the inhabitant as active citizen.

We currently face a transitional period of restructuring social networks in a globalised world. This is resulting in various experiments with new types of relations and exchange processes, supported by the developing interactive new media tools. In order to maintain the social sustainability of our cities, it is important to connect this new virtual space for development of public sphere and social exchange with the acquisition and reactivation of urban public space.

A spreading feeling of fear in public space connected with a notion of being disconnected from ones surroundings reminds us that virtual spaces cannot alone function as alternative spaces for exchange and production of identity in a modern society.

The content of media facades and digital moving Images in public spaces should not only be determined by market forces, yet should follow urban necessities. Therefore we aim to transform the growing number of digital architectural surfaces in our cities into experimental visual zone on the threshold of virtual and urban public space, contributing to a liveable urban society.

The changing architectural relationship between image, structure and representation has been long predicted by Architecture and Media critiques such as Paul Virilio und Robert Venturi.

Media façades can combine aspects of lighting and graphics in formats determined by the architecture, these might differ fundamentally in format, resolution and dimension from the rectilinear media image. Moving imagery has increasingly become interactive and emergent and often have to work without sound, so they question narrative storytelling known from other traditional media. Content can be synthesised from or driven by information from the environment, whether it be from within the building or from the outside world, or through channels such as the internet. In connection with locative and mobile media, new forms of content production can develop that create through participatory approaches new relations between the imagery and the surrounding urban space and its citizen.

There’s a growing need for the research of different creative contents that are able to make these new media for urban space vivid and attractive. Creatives in the different areas of media and culture are confronted with entirely new challenges in respect to resolution and distribution of pixels; there are also new forms of interaction arising from the specific dimensions of size and distance that differ basically from classical media formats. And how can we experiment with the element of audio, without constantly showering the open public space with sound?

It is very likely that new job descriptions and creative practices will emerge out of the new field of media architecture. It is still undetermined how roles for the production of content and displays will be distributed, and what standards can be applied for assessing projects. Building with media facades are a challenge for architects, creatives and planners, as they require a profound knowledge of the technical aspects, offer new design objectives and lead to new possibilities for communication in urban space.

The fact that the surface of a building and hence its character is subject of permanent change enables new relations with the local environment and the involvement of citizens in content manipulation.

The MEDIA FACADES FESTIVAL BERLIN is an important contribution for the emergence of a discourse among actors in the field and the development of trend-setting projects in order to avoid undesirable visual overload and to achieve a better acceptance.

an article explaining how emotional approaches to technology can access socio-political dialogue dimensions

we just published the article presented at the (re)Actor3 / HCI2008 conference/event in Liverpool.

you can find it here:

“Degradazione per Sovrapposizione di Corpi (DpSdC) investigates on interaction mechanisms created using low cost DIY technologies, aiming at the creation of emotional environments that can be used to break the users’ inhibitory barriers to narratively access dialogue on socio-political issues.”

– (re)Actor3

– HCI2008

– Degradazione per Sovrapposizione di Corpi

– some videos and a report